Flooring Systems Inc delivers expertise in recognizing and solving moisture issues pertaining to concrete substrates. Our qualified associates collaborate to identify problems and come up with solutions for each job specific. Flooring Systems has certified International Concrete Restoration Institute (ICRI) technicians on staff to give analysis of concrete conditions.
Flooring Systems prides themselves on being proactive with the discussions in the current market and having employees who stay well-informed on the newest products. Flooring Systems works in partnership with owners, architects, contractors, and end users on jobsite conditions, mixed design, and finding ways to avoid moisture issues in the concrete on new construction projects.
When moisture issues do occur, Flooring Systems has leading, in house equipment to mitigate the flooring to receive the specified products and keep the schedule intact. Flooring Systems is well educated in the mitigation sector and has been able to continue to be exceptionally competitive with pricing on the overall products and services.